Information for authors


IEEE IV symposium is historically a single-track meeting dominated by poster presentations to maximize interaction between attendees.

Oral presentations will be a strict 10 minutes + 1 minute for for questions (11 minutes total). All Oral presenters will also have a poster presentation in the Poster Session following their Oral Session to provide more time for interactive engagement. Oral presentations are for less than 10% of the program.

Note: Screen size 16:9.

The list of selected Paper ID for oral presentations:

{38, 59, 62, 72, 88, 97, 100, 116, 120, 128, 147, 156, 219, 221, 260, 263, 274, 277, 285, 295, 326, 336, 357, 364, 372, 402, 413, 445, 460, 481, 501, 510}.



The authors will stick the posters to the wall in the poster session rooms, which is suggested by the venue. Please print your poster on A0 size defined by the ISO 216 standard. Make sure that your poster is oriented in a “portrait” format and does not exceed dimensions of 90cm wide and 120cm tall (approximately 35in wide and 47in tall).

Note: In portrait format, the poster will be taller than wide. An adhesive tape will be provided at the conference to mount your poster to the board.


The title of your poster should appear at the top in about 25mm high. Below the title, put the author(s)’ name(s) and affiliation(s). The flow of your poster should be from the top left to the bottom right. Use arrows to lead your viewer through the poster. Use color for highlighting and to make your poster more attractive. Use pictures, diagrams, cartoons, figures, etc., rather than text wherever possible. Try to state your main result in 6 lines or less, in lettering about 15mm high so that people can read the poster from a distance. Make your poster as self-explanatory as possible. This will save your efforts for technical discussions.

Please put up your poster during the break before your session starts. Your place for the poster is indicated with a number corresponding to the number of your paper in the session. Take down the poster immediately after your session ends. A presenter must be present at your poster during the entirety of the session. If possible, more than one author should attend the session to aid in presentations and discussions, and to provide the presenters with the chance to rest or briefly view other posters.

Manuscript Submissions

We will use Papercept/Paperplaza for IV2019 submissions HERE.
To submit a manuscript, you must have the following items readily available:

  • Type of Submission: You can select Contributed Paper or Workshop Paper (use code below)
  • Title of the manuscript
  • Short 200 words text-only abstract of the manuscript
  • PINs of “ALL” co-authors (you can locate your co-authors’ PIN by following PIN link from
  • Keywords: you will be prompted for 1-3 conference specific keywords during the submission process
  • Manuscript file should be a PDF file (version 1.4 or higher), have all fonts embedded/subsetted, in US Letter page size, searchable, non-password protected document. Final papers sent to be part of the program of the conference MUST be format compliant according to the instructions provided HERE.

Page Limit

For the first submission, a manuscript in US Letter format can be of 6-8 pages.
For the final submission, a manuscript should be of 6 pages, with 2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge.


Every accepted paper will need one associated full registration (even for a student paper) for being included in the conference technical program and proceedings.
We will soon publish the conference registration fee table, follow us on the social media accounts to stay up-to date.


As it is mandatory for any IEEE conference, we will implement a strict “No Show No Publication” policy, meaning that accepted papers that are not presented at the conference will not be published afterwards in IEEE Xplore. Such presentations must be done on-site, so participants and authors can talk and interchange their experiences and views. Face-to-face technical discussions are a precious element of quality of our conference.

All the papers submitted through Papercept (Contributed Papers and Workshop Papers) will be peer reviewed and all of the accepted papers, if they are presented at IV2019, will be published in IEEE Xplore.


Workshop submissions require the unique Workshop identifier code (case sensitive) below for submission.

Please copy this during the submission process.

Code Title
ITSEV Emergency vehicles in the era of cooperative intelligent transport systems and automated driving
C-ITSec Research advances in Cooperative ITS cyber security and privacy
CIV Cooperative Interacting Vehicles
BROAD Algorithmic, Legal, and Societal Challenges for Autonomous Driving
ULAD Unsupervised Learning for Automated Driving
DDIVA Data Driven Intelligent Vehicle Applications
FRCA-IAV Formal Methods vs. Machine Learning approaches for Reliable Navigation
EVSAV Ensuring and Validating Safety for Automated Vehicles
HFIV Human Factors in Inetlligent Vehicles
